Software Development is our passion. Great knowledge about technologies, methods and paradigms are the foundation of our services that result in great software solutions.
Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban, extreme Programming (XP) are great, but they only create an advantage in combination with a clear product vision, short feedback cycles and space for innovations.
Quality in Software Development is more than just writing unit- and integration tests. A good understanding of customers needs, a solid runtime enviroment and security aspects are also in the focus of our daily work.
Teamwork, immediate Feedback and direct contact to users and stakeholders are some of the keyfacs for great and innovative software solutions.
main tech stack
Java & PHP
There was a time before AOP, Generics and Lambdas! We started object oriented software development with Java 1.4 in 2003 and never stopped. Programming PHP was also not object oriented that time when we implemented the first projects with the language.
From Spring Core, over MVC and Security to Spring Boot. Our experience in spring started with version 1.2.2 in 2005.
I have been working with Hibernate as OR-Mapper Framework since 2005 when the features of the release 3.0 were the Interceptor/Callback architecture, user defined filters, and JDK 5.0 Annotations.
ReactJS & Angular
Modern frontend technologies like react and angular are just as much a part of our portfolio as classic ones like jsp/struts or natve html/css solutions.
Relational Databases like Oracle DBMS are standard in some industries, but there a more technologies to be considered like: SOLR, Lucene, Cassandra and MongoDB. For Machine Learning and BigData we’re familiar with Apache Spark and Co.
Microservices in the Cloud
SOA, Monolith & Microservices – all the different software architectures have their advantages and disadvantages. We are experienced in different environments from batch applications over monolithic web apps to cloud based microservice architectures.